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The condition of acceptance of du'a

Dua --------- How will it be accepted?

One day, Prophet Abraham (peace be upon him) was asked, "O my lord!" We do so many supplications to Allah, but why do not our supplications are accepted by Allah?
In response to this question, Ibrahim Bin Adham said:
1. You do not worship Him even though you are a person.
2. Messenger of Allah And do not act according to the Sunnah, knowing the truth of his accuser.
3. You have read the Qur'an right, but do not act accordingly.
4. You enjoy the blessings of Allah, but do not thank Him.
5. After knowing this thing, do not try to achieve it even after Allah has made Paradise for His loyal servants.
6. Despite knowing that he is pouring out the fire of hell for the free will, do not try to save yourself from the fire.
7. You know very well that Satan is your enemy, yet you are still friends with him.
8. You know well that one day you will die, there is no preparation for death even after this.
9. You bury your parents and relatives with your own hands, even after your death.
10. You look for the fault of others only because you do not see your faults in fault.
So think of you, that's because you have such a situation. Then how will your supplication be acceptable to Allah!

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