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Islamic order

♦ Do not know the Islamic injunctions of the Islamic order ♦
Fatwa received by the "Saudi Supreme Fatwa Board", signed by Sheikh Bin Baz, Sheikh Abdur Razzak Afifi and Sheikh Abdullah Ghandiyan about "Islamic Hukumat".


Translation: Dear Brother Muhammad Nurullah Taref
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You know, we are in the "election of the legislature" in Algeria. There are some groups who call for the establishment of Islamic order. There are some groups who do not want Islamic orders. Now the person who votes for someone who does not want the Islamic order, what the order of the person will be; But does this person pray?
Involve their maximum efforts to bring the Islamic mandate on Muslims in those countries where Islamic Sharia-based regimes are not introduced.
And the team that will implement the Islamic mandate, they think that the team will cooperate together in one and the same.
On the contrary, it is not unreasonable to cooperate with the group that does not implement Islamic Sharia.
Rather, such a co-operation leads a person to Kufr.
The deed is the word of Allah:
(وأن احكم بينهم بما أنزل الله ولا تتبع أهواءهم واحذرهم أن يفتنوك عن بعض ما أنزل الله إليك فإن تولوا فاعلم أنما يريد الله أن يصيبهم ببعض ذنوبهم وإن كثيرا من الناس لفاسقون * أفحكم الجاهلية يبغون ومن أحسن من الله حكما لقوم يوقنون) المائدة / 49- 50
"And I order that you give them a recompense according to what God has revealed to them; Do not follow their innocence and beware of them, so that what Allah has sent down to you may not deviate from any of it. But if they turn away, then know that Allah wants to punish them for some of their sins. Surely, many people are wicked. Do they wish for the ignorance? Who is better than Allah, who gives the people who are inclined towards Allah? "[Surah Maidah, Ayat: 49-50]
For this reason, those who do not administer Islamic rule according to Sharia, Allah has mentioned them as disbelievers. From cooperating with them, they warn against accepting them as ally. If the Believers are genuine believers, they are ordered to adopt piety.
he says:
(ياأيها الذين آمنوا لا تتخذوا الذين اتخذوا دينكم هزوا ولعبا من الذين أوتوا الكتاب من قبلكم والكفار أولياء واتقوا الله إن كنتم مؤمنين) 57/57 "
O you who believe, do not take the friends of the People of the Scripture, who treat your religion as mockery and play, and treat other disbelievers as their friends. Be patient, if you are believers. "[Surah Maidah, Ayat: 57]
[Finish from the Standing Committee Fatwas (1/373)]
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Is it possible to nominate and vote for someone in the election? It should be noted that the rule of our country is not in accordance with the law of God.
The government does not rule by the law revealed by Allah, it is not permissible that the state does not operate under Sharia law, nor is it possible for a Muslim to nominate himself in the hope of joining the government.
Therefore, it is not permissible for a Muslim to choose himself or anyone else to work with this government.
But if a Muslim accepts either the candidate in the election or the other, that by changing this regime, establishing an Islamic Sharia-based regime, it is permissible to accept participation in the elections as a means of spreading power over the current regime.
However, in the case of a candidate, he can not accept any position which is directly related to the Islamic Sharia.
Shaikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz, Sheikh Abdur Razzak Afifi, Shaikh Abdullah Ghdian, Shaikh Abdullah Kuhud.
[Compiled from the Standing Committee's Fatwa (23/406, 407)

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