Durga worship history
Durga worship history !!
Durga Devi is known as Parvati, Sati, as well as the Zunpakas !!
1 // This kind of soil is needed during Durga Puja! In it (the soil of the pellet) is essential, Durga Puja is not possible in the absence of a prostitute. It is said that prostitution soil is necessary because the prostitutes keep the society clean by adopting men's sex (sexuality) like blue cotton.
Reference: (Sananda 18 April 1991 The number of deodorants, Shibashis Bandyopadhyay's writings: Guitarist-page: 19)
Durga, shorif99 |
2 Durga Devi was the sex partner of the chief of Hindus (God Shiva)
Durga, as usual, mingle with Shiva.
When Durga Dave died due to the sexual harassment of Shiva, Durga continued praying for Krishna's purpose to protect Pran. In this condition, Krishna, through his handsome cycle, cuts off both sexes and protects the life of Parvati from the body. And to celebrate this memory, this composite worship is introduced. Reference (Bhagwat, ninth grade: 598)
After that Durga sought out his sexual needs, the road behind her ... With And since Mahadev was not able to fulfill the sexual needs of women after sex. So Durga was involved in adultery with other Gods.
3 // One day event ...... Durga Devi Bhagwan Vishnu is involved in adultery. At the same time there (Ganesh) came. Ganesh was a druggar, his son. Then Durga changed the look of his face (Tulashi) to hide himself from Ganesh. There was a sexual relationship with Tulsi before the beginning of Ganesh. Then, Ganesh was engaged in adultery with his mother, Durga, who thought of being Durga.
After this incident, Shiva learned about the incident and changed the head of his son Ganesh to head elephant. Reference: (Skand Purana, Nagar Khandam 4441, p.11-16) This is the history of Durga and Shiligang.
Videos are her real evidence
4 // None of Durga Puja can be found in the main religious books of Hindus including Vedas, Ramayana. Basically
>> Durgapuja is the British Emel Culture. This worship would have been done before (in the spring) ... but when planning a plan to kill (Nawab Sirajuddaula), when Hindu conspiracies succeeded, the Hindus brought forward Puja ... in the autumn of celebrating their victory with their Lord British.
Bidra: To attract the English, Hindus, such as Durga Puja, used to make free sex and indecent scenes, to attract Muslims to Durga Puja, giving them free access to multiplied obscenity more than the past.
5 // And besides the prostitute, their festivals are absolutely stagnant. As a result, Dostapagua is still a mandatory matter for the prostitutes.
Vishwamitra ... started from the biggest sage of Hinduism and started prostrating until it was started (Raja Bikramaditya). So, there is no way to deny Hinduism as the mother of prostitution ...... Reference: (Row and Kalidas poems written by Michael Madhusudha on the head of the old man's shawl)
6 // And the god Krishna of Rama, everyone knows about it
Krishna raped his beloved Radha alone at night, and later raped and enjoyed raping.
Finally they both get married. According to Wikipedia's information, Krishna 16100 was a sex worker or guardian. That is, the whole life of this Hindu goddess has passed through this sexuality or blacklisting. Almost every so-called Deity goddess is like this
Life is full of many lust and filth. The lamps that are still present in their temples are still found in temples.
Sex history in India is not new, Maluna has been performing sexually from inside the temple for hundreds of years -
Hindus' obscene "Khajuraho temple"
Image -
India's Hindu temple has a public sex scene of various idols -
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