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Why is not India going to Bangladesh on Rohingya issue?

The Rohingyas seem to have felt embarrassed by the government's envoy as the Indian side did not stand beside the Rohingya issue and supported Myanmar. Bangladesh's relationship with Bangladesh has been elevated to the highest level, who have sung the chorus so long, they have become very lazy. Even then, the words that say, kale karera karate, so do not love! They are repeatedly trying to say this and say, India will stand beside Bangladesh on this issue. Then when India sent relief to the Rohingya refugees who came to Bangladesh, they raised their voices in a loud voice, that India has stood beside Bangladesh. Whatever they say, why not get as much self-sacrifice, according to observers, it is a good example of a cow's shoe donation. India has moved away from supporting Myanmar's position, there is no evidence of it. Rather, he is firmly supporting Myanmar's position as before.

After the Myanmar security checkpost attacked, a statement from the Indian Foreign Ministry issued. It is said that India will be on Myanmar in the fight against terrorism. After that, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi reiterated his commitment to visiting Myanmar Myanmar-backed meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi, assured her of being in Myanmar in the fight against terrorism. In that meeting, Modi held complete silence about the Rohingya massacre, mass mobilization, and mass mobilization. Aung San Suu Kyi expressed her heartfelt gratitude to India. The hope is that both countries can deal with terrorism at once. According to our knowledge, India has not yet condemned the Rohingya genocide, mass arrest and mass killing. The millions of Rohingyas who have taken shelter in Bangladesh and are still taking it, have not pronounced the word to take them back. In contrast, 40 thousand Rohingya refugees in India have become desperate to send back to Myanmar. In Bangladesh, now 10/11 million Rohingya are in the new-age group. There is no ambiguity about the huge crisis that has caused Bangladesh. As a friend, he should have been beside Bangladesh for crossing this crisis. It's forgotten that he has forgotten.
Not at all, the identity of the friend is unreliable. India's failure to introduce a friend of Bangladesh in this incomparable failure. The question arises, the importance and necessity of Bangladesh has reduced to India? Bangladesh is not for India, India's interest! India's northeastern 'separatists' helped to counter their safety concerns and cooperated. The facility of transit-corridor-ports has been agreed. Prioritized Indian investment The Bangladesh market has opened up for Indian products. India has signed various agreements and treaties for the sake of India. Bangladesh has not received anything in exchange for these. There was little talk of Teesta water dispute. It could be said that India had everything and wanted to get it, India got everything in it. On the other hand, India has not given anything to Bangladesh and power to ask for anything. Without getting anything like goats kidnap three, our rulers are very happy. Some of them have received or received the Rohingya issue. India has not shown any interest in bringing Bangladesh to its present position.

The Rohingya issue is not the creation of Bangladesh. It is entirely the creation of Myanmar Bangladesh victims of the situation The Myanmar army and the Magh-Terrorists are executing brutal massacre, barbarous torture and repression in Rakhine, and the international community including the United Nations have accepted it in a sentence. There is no doubt about the killing and torture of Rohingyas who are pushing Bangladesh into Bangladesh. During the last one month, 6/7 lakh Rohingyas have evidence of entry into Bangladesh. Rohingyas are still in the team. Mikeing Rakhine is being told to leave their homes. It is clear, 'either to be killed in the shooting or to be killed, otherwise run away.'
Myanmar has imposed Rohingyas on Bangladesh's neck. Bangladesh has been forced to take on this burden due to humanity. At the moment, 'friends' support and cooperation Bangladesh is very much needed. However, neighbors and powerful countries like India, China and Russia, who are known as 'genuine friends' of Bangladesh, have moved away. They favor Myanmar Bangladesh has virtually become uninterrupted. Many believe that Bangladesh has shown its failure to recognize its diplomatic capabilities, and it has been a failure.

Myanmar relations are friendly with India, China and Russia. Myanmar has interests in their strategic and economic and trade. They are also in Bangladesh. But they have supported Myanmar on the Rohingya issue, not Bangladesh. It is a diplomat of Bangladesh and at the same time, without political failure! It can not be said that this country has lost interest to Bangladesh. They also have interests in Bangladesh. But in giving importance to Myanmar they gave more importance. If the diplomatic and political contacts were in full swing and active then it would not have been possible. Although China supports Myanmar's position on Rohingya issue, she is following a kind of sanitation regime. On the contrary, India and Russia are working on behalf of Myanmar's position by increasing advance.

Do not wait to say this, the Rohingya issue has come to the state now, there is no scope for giving a slight discount to Myanmar. It is important to stop the genocide and abolish the mass countdown. Therefore, there is no alternative to putting pressure on Myanmar. It can be done by the United Nations and influential countries. India, China and Russia in this regard; The rest of the voices As the rest of the people are active, they are less likely to be fruitful. The question is, can the Rakhine kill-torture stop and the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh be able to return to their respective countries with respect to dignity and security? If not, Bangladesh will have to be stuck with this crisis indefinitely. If Bangladesh is still able to understand India, China and Russia diplomatically and politically, then it would be easy for them to get out of this crisis. Will Bangladesh do that and will they change their position?

India, China and Russia are mainly doing their own interests. They do not feel the need to take into account the principles of ethics, humanity and world opinion. Geopolitically and strategically, Myanmar and especially the Rakhine state are very important. Rakhine has vast opportunities and opportunities to increase investment, trade and inter-state and regional connectivity. China is involved in various projects including seaport, gas pipeline, rail and road communication. Russia has a weapon after sale. Myanmar is a major field of arms exports to Russia. He is now in the forefront of the sale of sophisticated weapons and equipment with combat aircraft. On the other hand, India is participating in various projects in the areas of seaports, gas imports, Kaladan projects, triple connectivity etc. They refuse to leave them out of this interest. They are not trying to beat Myanmar in any way. The question is, can they have any interest in Bangladesh? Bangladesh is so much falana?
Geographically and strategically, Myanmar and Bangladesh are in one position. Bangladesh is the marginal country of South Asia and Myanmar is the marginal country of Southeast Asia. In the East-West connection, the two countries are equally important. The two countries are each other's neighbors. Another important aspect is that the vast area of ​​the Bay of Bengal belongs to these two countries. At least five times bigger than Bangladesh in the form of Myanmar. Its resources-comparatively relatively high. That is why Bangladesh is also not a land rich. Bangladesh and Myanmar are equally important in terms of investment. The huge investment interest of different countries in Bangladesh is evidence of this. In terms of trade, Bangladesh is ahead of Myanmar. Bangladesh is a market of 16/17 billion people. Myanmar market of 5-5.5 million people. China is one of the leading development partners in China. There are Chinese investment in different areas. China wants to invest more. During the visit of Chinese President to Dhaka last year, a $ 36 billion investment agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding have been signed. China is the main supplier of defense equipment and weapons in China. Besides, Bangladesh is a big market of Chinese products. Like China, India is also interested in investing in Bangladesh. Here he wants to show himself as a competitor of China. India has agreed to invest $ 3 billion in two contracts in 2010 and 2013. A few days ago, during the visit of Indian Finance Minister Arun Jaitley to Dhaka, another $ 4.5 billion loan agreement was signed. This is nothing compared to China's promised investment, but it is India's biggest debt-relief deal with any country. India's goods trade is the highest in Bangladesh. Legally, he exported 60/65 thousand crore rupees in Bangladesh every year. There is no text to the stolen goods. Bangladesh's bilateral investment and commercial relations with Russia are not exactly like the holidays. Russia has a deal to establish a nuclear power plant in Rooppur. In other areas economic relations are strengthening relations. In this situation, it is necessary to evaluate whether it is to ignore the support of Bangladesh in these three countries on the issue of Rohingya or whether it is our failure.

India's position is open to the other two countries. India has been supporting Myanmar by announcement from the beginning. As it is understood by the Indian Foreign Ministry's statement and Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech, it is also understood from the process of pushing Rohingyas in India to Myanmar, complaining that they have IS's relationship with them, and pushing the Rohingyas, including imposing border restrictions. A few days ago, according to foreign media, a news published in various newspapers of Bangladesh revealed that India is strengthening security at its eastern border to prevent Rohingya entry. Using pepper and stan grenades on the border as part of it. A BSF officer Saf said that we wanted to severely injure or arrest Rohingya, who tried to enter; But I will not tolerate them on the soil of India. If the situation is exciting, we will use grenades. Soon afterwards, some Rohingyas have been pushed on Tripura border. After the attitude and behavior of India towards the Rohingyas, when he was seen to give relief to the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh, it is said to be the name of Prahasan. This bicameral can not be surprised.

India is standing beside Myanmar, not of Bangladesh, information-data, evidence-proof, so say. In this context, the opinion of former Foreign Secretary Kanwal Sibal may be remembered. He advised the Indian government to give priority to Myanmar than Bangladesh in the Rohingya issue. He advised the government to stay beside Myanmar for the East-West Attachment, India-Myanmar-Thilya Dam-Triple Highway, suppressing Northeast insurgents, reducing Chinese influence in Myanmar and extending India's expansion. Clearly, bilateral relations between India and Bangladesh should not be seen in the Rohingya issue. Her opinion is that if Bangladesh wishes much more about this, India will make a mistake. Dhaka should understand, it is not possible for Delhi to do more than that. Asked to seal the Indo-Bangladesh border with the question that he has entered into 40,000 Rohingya refugees in India. He unknowingly claimed that 20 million Bangladeshis or living in India. In his context, the Indian government should take the matter forward. It may be mentioned that Kanwal Sibal is not only a former foreign secretary, one of the current BJP government advisers. It is said that in his opinion, BJP's opinion was reflected. Many observers believe that words that Prime Minister Modi or his government can not say, he has written all that Kanwal Sibal has written. It turns out, the Indian government is still out of Kanwal Sibal's case. Ex-diplomat of India and former High Commissioner in Bangladesh Pinak Ranjan Chakraborty said in an interview with the BBC that Bangladesh will not be able to expect much from India in the Rohingya issue. He also said Rohingya is not their member. The problem is between Bangladesh and Myanmar. He asked Bangladesh to take the assistance of China. Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh is currently in New Delhi He has been informed, both Myanmar and Bangladesh are friends of India. Therefore, India will not be aggressive with anybody. They can not tell Myanmar to take Rohingya refugees back.

Do not say anything to the government mahila, but the people of Bangladesh are not taking this role in India simply. The people of this country have stood beside the Rohingyas who have fled before the government in the face of genocide and mass earthquality. Their worldwide commitment to brotherhood and humanity has been appreciated. Many people think that Arun Jaitley came to Bangladesh with a loan dime and realized a huge amount of loan agreement after considering the attitude of the people of Bangladesh. There is no reason to think that the wounds created in the heart of Bangladesh will be relieved. The people of this country will never forget his role in the Rohingya issue.

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